Tiny Spines=Big Pain

The White Prickly Poppy is not a tiny flower, but it has these tiny spines on the leaves and stem that can cause you big pain even after they are removed and that little bonus is in addition to the prickly parts that are referenced in its name.  This one makes me think of Isadora Duncan who was known for her long scarves which caused her untimely death.  In the extras I have put a collage of some of the things I saw on my walk this morning.  There were no Herons today, but the Yucca plants are blooming.  I hope they last until Friday, but, in case they don't, I have made a collage with some that I have edited more than I usually do, but I like the dramatic look for the Yucca.  I see that the tags have run out of space, so I will tell you that the last purple flower Is Lemon Beebalm and the mono is White Prickly Poppy again   Thanks to HOtamer for hosting......

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