Be Prepared..

Today I made a big mistake.

I didn't take the camera

I walked a familiar path and field with Hollie dog and we waded through long, lush green grass. And marvelled at a wooded slope almost completely cloaked in drifts of buttercup, dandelion, cow parsley and other unmentionables. 

The oak and chestnut trees are looking superb, the bees love the heather,  and there were lots of fabulous bugs. Some resting, some observing and taking notes. And some had the 'Do Not Disturb' notice out.

There was a common green woodpecker. And a group of non indigenous parakeets.

And I didn't take the camera.

I have done a collage in extras but would prefer to be able to show you hi resolution pictures because it was fabulous. 

But guess what I didn't take..

Tonight, in penance, I am going to twist my woggle... 

That'll teach me to be prepared next time...

I am grateful for the kind wishes and comment on yesterday's blip. It was a bitter/sweet occasion. Thank you all for your thoughts! 

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