Double Shot Mummy


Busy fun!

This morning involved a trip to the park and Appleseeds play area as well as me taking Maple shirt shopping for Stu at Ibn Buttata Mall. We managed to fit in a refreshing swim in the afternoon, and it was well worth it. Oscar tried to jump in the big pool with no ring on. A contrast to the quivering near water boy when we first moved to Dubai! He and Bailee both kicked and actually moved with the kicking for the first time. They are definitely in a 'rapid development' phase. This picture is with Fletcher, the class mascot. We documented "What they did together" this weekend with photos of course, and wrote a little description to paste in the class book.

We bought a whole snapper and Stu cooked us up homemade fish and chips for dinner. Oscar and Bailee went crazy for it. Oscar ended up swiping half my piece of fish! It was tasty indeed.

Oscar is really into telling me what he is not doing since starting school. He likes to tell me in a very serious, looking-me-in-the-eye kind of tone: "Oscar not throwing toys". "Oscar not put toys in the rubbish bin". "Oscar not hurt Maple" (Bless his cotton socks), and all sorts of random things. It is like he really wants to please me! I wonder what this is all about?

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