Like Butter Wouldn't Melt.....

I wonder if these lambs cause their mother to tear her hair out sometimes?!!
It has been a particularly trying day today!
I wanted a special Miss E and Mummy afternoon so took her out after school but she was ungrateful and bratty and I was tired and grumpy so there was lots of sighing, shouting, moaning and wishing that I hadn't bothered.
I was glad to get her into bed tonight!
No sleepover though. Mummy's proper cross!!!
Aaaaghhhhh, I have no patience and it's like a vicious circle - the snappier and more irritated I get the worse her behaviour gets. Often mirroring mine back at me. Marvelous!
Anyway, tomorrow's another day.....
Miss L's first day back at school today for a month. I was worried she wouldn't want to go but she loved it! When I went in to pick her up she was running around the room, chasing and being chased by a couple of her friends. So sweet!

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