Flower Friday

So I had the day all planned today. Some housework and plant out my dahlia plants in the morning, that went to plan. I had my PCR test to look forward to in the afternoon which I had arranged to have at our local vaccination centre at 3.30. I thought I would fit in a walk around our local garden at Bicton before driving on to the test centre, sounded like a good plan. I had a quick walk around the garden taking some photos as I went including this Welsh poppy which was blowing in the wind. It was very sunny so not ideal for taking photos. I got back into the car and set off driving left out of the garden but didn’t get very far as I saw a queue of static traffic. The roads are narrow around Devon and we do now get coaches stuck on the roads so I wasn’t going to risk queuing. So I then turned around and headed back in the other direction and had to drive like a maniac to make my appointment on time. When I arrived, just in time, I was told they had tried to ring me at home to ask me to come in earlier as they had a gap and as it was I was the last person for the day. I didn’t have to get out of the car and if I don’t hear anything by 7.30 on Monday morning, I’m a negative which I expect to be. I drove back in a more leisurely fashion. On reflection, it may have been cows crossing the road but they can take a good five minutes to cross and I didn’t have a spare five minutes to wait to find out. Thanks for all the good wishes for Monday.

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