Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob


Today was our 11th anniversary, and thanks to some very sorry-for-myself Tweeting yesterday about how COVID had made us forget to buy our traditional Hotel Chocolat chocolates and bubbly for when we watch an Irish movie, Hotel Chocolat sent us some delicious freebies! How delightful :) Rich bought me some splendid Grady twins pins, and I gave him an Ash (from Evil Dead) figure and a Thanos keyring, and even though we're both still sick, we had a lovely day. We finished Stranger Things, watched Top Gun in prep for the new one (I'd never seen it before, what a weird movie), watched our traditional Irish movie (Once; not very good) minus the bubbly, and had a takeout pizza for dinner. Not what we wanted to be doing of course, but still pretty lovely.

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