Miss Curious

"Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness." ~ Bryant H. McGill.

Little Miss Curious, aka Little Miss Tibbs, is always curious. And she is always happy too.

This afternoon she ventured out onto the (now rarely used) trampoline, to peek over the other side, as she was curious to know if one of her little bird friends may be playing hide and seek with her. This could be their hiding place....

No, they weren't there, so she sniffed and sniffed the trampoline, curious to know exactly who had been there. Her keen sense of smell told her something had been there, but who?

And then she had an idea....maybe they were hiding in the Evening Primrose! Again, she sniffed, and jumped, then sniffed some more. She was on to the scent of something, and she was curious to know what it was....

But then, Tess walked up. Miss Curious Tibbs had to run over to see what Tess had been up to, curious to know if she had picked up on the scent too!

I don't think she ever discovered what she was looking for, but knowing what a sticky-beak Miss Tibbs is, she'll be back outside again in the morning, on the trail of the thing-a-majig again. She's found the secret to happiness, you see. :))

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