Flower Festival

It was my son in laws first day back at work and he was going to Islay so left at 6am to catch the ferry. In the afternoon my daughter, Lando and I went to a flower festival in the local church which was a fundraiser for Christian Aid. There was tea and cake in the hall and my daughter's neighbour was helping to serve. She introduced her to a few people, all much older but it was good to meet them. We went for a short walk by the canal afterwards. 
Lando had been a bit out of sorts so after speaking to the midwife they took him to the local hospital to be checked over. A few things caused some concern so they were asked to take him to the children's hospital in Glasgow. After several hours and a 200 mile round trip they all returned at 5.30am. The doctor there hadn't found anything to worry about but asked them to keep a record of his feeds for the health visitor. 

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