
By JackTheLad

Paraguayos, República o Muerte

On the way back to the flat I sometimes come over from Leith Walk via Brunswick St. and must have walked past this window for months without paying it much attention, but since picking up the Blibfoto baton I have started to look at things more closely.

I have no idea why the occupier of the flat put their flag in the window, are they a student, a refugee, an exile or just a fan of things Paraguayan but it seems to have been there for a goodly time. It just seems a bit odd to see a flag from a country some 6200 miles away in the middle of South America, but it is nice to be reminded how cosmopolitan Auld Reekie is.

For the (m)any Paraguayans following this journal I salute you

Paraguayos, ¡República o Muerte!
nuestro brío nos dio libertad;
ni opresores, ni siervos alientan
donde reinan unión e igualdad.

Paraguayans: Republic or Death!
Our spirit gave us liberty
Neither oppressors nor slaves exist
Where union and equality reign.
(via wikipedia)

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