Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


 Gardening is one thing I never did at all well  (years ago I did grow some salad stuff here) but now I do nothing at all with any garden.... Sooo I was quite delighted to see these iris (my second favorite flower…yes I planted them here many years ago) pop up in the little patch out the back door.  Some are still to bloom.  All kinds of other creatures have been added  there over the years including some fairy camp, pretty much buried now,  but one has to appreciate REAL plants. 

Added the extra to show the whole wee patch.   AND Herb and his window washing project, which he got to in the afternoon after it rained all morning.    I only had to hold the stepladder this time while he tried to squirt the tall skylights with windex attached to the hose.   The skylights  are all mistakes.   What were we thinking?  It’s wonderfully tall and light inside but not possible to maintain. And we just ignore the clerestory windows on the very top.…which do open when it’s hot out should that ever happen…My job for the day was to clean the birdbath.  :-)  I think the birds appreciated it.   I do remember when I used to like cleaning the windows...... humm....and for a few years we found someone else to do it, but he quit when his Mom didn't want him on a ladder.!

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