
By Odofuran

Fathers and sons

Busy Saturday. A person whom I care deeply for was back in Japan for a week before heading back to America. There was a lunch with friends and then a dinner with the rest of the group. I ended up going to both, and it was great to be with them the whole day. Just a great feeling, being close to them. Sad to have to say goodbye so quickly after getting her back.

This is from the lunch, where we met up with our friends who had a baby last fall, so a dinner at a drinking place wasn't such a good idea. Bill, the baby, is old enough to start working on solid food, and this is him and his dad as they were enjoying some fries. I really look forward to being a dad, hopefully sooner than later, but in the meantime I'm Uncle Bob, and I want to spend as much time with this little guy as possible. I cannot wait to have my own son (or daughter) to start building memories with. The parent-child relationship is so beautiful, and my dad has been such a great father, one I could only hope to match. As my grandma always says, if I'm half the man he is, I will be a great father. My goal is to be 100% the man he is.

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