The Treshnish Isles

We went for a walk today.  It wasn't quite the walk we intended.

We set off OK.  And after taking this photo we descended as instructed.  But then we failed to find the way back up to the easy path along the cliff top, and did at least a kilometre below the cliff, picking our way along sheep paths and over boulders.  Difficult for me, but particularly difficult for W who is suffering with balance problems at the moment.

We stopped for lunch in a glorious quiet spot, watching wheatears hopping around.  Shortly after setting off again, we were shouted at loudly and persistently by an oyster catcher, who presumably had a nest nearby.

Eventually we reached a point where we could head inland, but instead of finding the path to do a round circuit, we found ourselves on the "easy" cliff top path, and ended up back at the point where we had missed it.  We cut our losses and headed  back to our cottage.  So only 8km, instead of the intended 11.  But more taxing than we had planned.

Never mind, it was a super walk in glorious sunshine - we've both caught the sun despite using suntan lotion.  The bluebells are still fabulous, and the orchids are indescribable!  We have serious orchid envy - see extras

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