Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

It's Over at Last

Next time somebody says "I know .. let's put on a play" while COVID (or something similar) is still raging, they can take their suggestion somewhere else. Honestly.

The season is over, lots of audience came (amazingly) we made a lot of money and people said they liked it.  The survivors from the cast and crew are mostly under care at some mental health facility (or other) in the nearby environs. The problem was that at times there were only a few people on deck, having to do ALL the jobs at once, pending the return of folk in isolation. Things got missed, communication broke down, other (usually co-operative) community groups suddenly decided it was a good time for disputes, demarcation lines got trodden on and (in short) I either need a regular injection of alcohol (drinking is decidedly too slow) or a top grade clinical shrink.

By some miracle, Norma and I missed the bug but we effectively had to go into lock-down to protect what remained of the team and the all important opening night. As it was, the season opening was effectively a dress rehearsal, given the fact that certain people had been too ill or under isolation rules until that moment. Miraculously, first night went well and the show bedded in still further after that.  

Never again ....... In the immortal words of Lethal Weapon's Roger Murtaugh, "I am too old for this %$@#". Anyway, above is the poster I designed for the project which will now disappear into archives. Normal service at Hobbs's Run will now be resumed.

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