All things me

By KatiePie


Look at that cheeky slug! I didn't even see it when I took the picture. Crawling all over my rhubarb. Bah.

More importantly, look! I took a picture on my camera. Wonders will never cease! It was the sunshine this morning. It felt so lovely to just wander around the garden snapping crappy pics but feeling like I was getting back into a forgotten habit.

We ended up at Swindon Outlet Village today looking for suits for Mr KP as apparently his wardrobe-full are all crap and broken or shiny etc etc.. We went in all the suit selling shops I think. There are a lot.
The kids were very well behaved considering. They came away with new school shoes from the Clarks shop and water shooty things for the garden from M&S Clearance. Mr KP had 2 suits.
I got NOTHING sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffs

So on the way home I made him call in at PC World and bought a clever wireless printer that does scanning and stuff as our ancient old basic printer was giving up the ghost and very complicated.

I'd forgotten that our wifi is all a bit pish though so this may prove testing. It's already vanished a couple of times. GEROWL.

We arrived home to perfectly timed pot roast brisket and very slow baked potatoes. Sluuuuuurp. The kids have gone to bed and I've cracked open the bottle of bubbles that we'd said we'd share last night but didn't get around to opening. Sundays are the new, erm, dunno.. but what the hell..

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