The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

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... I'm sure it's more than 12 weeks since 2 July 2012!

Wait ... haven't I been a blipper almost as long as that? Wasn't the autumn term alone 15 weeks long?

I walked along the canal towpath from Bowbridge, the entry point nearest to my home, to beyond Arundel Mill pond. Any ideas about forging ahead to Waitrose/Capel Mill were dashed by this forbidding array of signage.

Remember, I grew up in the era of public information films!
Don't play on building sites!

Disgruntled, I retraced my steps back to Bowbridge lock (scheduled for restoration next) and back along the A419 to Waitrose. Any hopes of making the cafe my unofficial office were dashed by the realisation that there is no wi-fi. So after shopping, I walked home and took tea with my neighbours, Sorcha and Chris, who love to borrow Frasier DVDs from me, and are psyching themselves up for Tutti Frutti next. I don't have many kindred spirits in my street, so it's a shame they are moving to London in July, though obviously I wish them well.

Rest of the day: chop wood, carry water. I am going to try and have one whole day per week when I don't give myself any any household or caring responsibilities. That will be interesting! I would almost have succeeded yesterday, had I not gone out babysitting for four hours after my day trip to Bristol! I think Bomble, the cat, might take serious issue with me over the 'no caring responsibilities' part of this statement. CleanSteve appears supportive. Long live the notion!

Poem wot I wrote based on my walk/this photo. National Poetry Writing Month is excrutiating and causing me great personal inconvience, and the poems are not getting better. Bleeeuuurggh.

Arundel mill pond, last July
Underpass at the Waitrose end
Newly restored section just beyond the underpass, with railway viaduct in background
Infilled bridge arch at Bowbridge, prior to restoration of lock, April 2013

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