Today's lunch

Went to nearest Jardiland as I know they have posh dog tackle.
Was allowed to take Gyp in to try on harnesses - she kept flopping down instead of standing as I wished. I sympathised as I hate shopping and especially trying on clothes!
Very satisfactory, although I'd have liked a leisurely walk, dogless, around it all. I'd probably only havebbeen envious of all the lovely garden and kitchen things for sale. And as for the plants - well I wanted some for boxes at mobilehome, but gave up.

Had lunch in Chinese buffet place which was excellent. I took table by my car to make sure no on tried to take my beautifully harnessed dog.

Jardiland had a dog washing machine! We saw a young Husky going through it which worried Gyp as it was crying and she hates any sort of washing.

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