Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Why is it that just as my white peony starts to come out it rains! I thought I'd catch a shot of one of the flowers before they are ruined. I rather liked this with the rain drops. A clear picture of what the weather has been like today!
I've had a pretty good day today. Yesterday I finally gave in and phoned the dentist to ask if I could have the appointment which I made in January to deal with a broken tooth brought forward. I've waited almost 5 months and it was due to be on the 28th June. I was getting very concerned about the tooth as more bits kept breaking off and I was worried that it would be beyond repair. I couldn't in all conscience say I was in pain though as I pretty sure that it had had root canal treatment so there was no nerve to cause pain. I was taken aback when I discovered that the appointment Id been waiting 5 months for was not even with my own dentist, I had been sure it was.
I was given an appointment today with another member of the practice who I've seen before. To my delight I discovered that not only had the tooth not had root canal treatment, but that the dentist was pretty sure it could be saved. I've had a temp filling done (I've used two tubs of filling material while I've been waiting but this is much better) and I've an hours appointment next month to do the job properly. I can't tell you the relief I feel. I was sure I was heading for an extraction and I'm a mega coward after some bad dentistry in my yoof!!!
My dentist is at Meadowbank so I had set out 50 minutes before my appointment this morning expecting to have lots of time in hand - I just made it by the skin of my teeth. What an absolute mess the roads are in from Broughton Street eastwards. It took me 15 minutes to get from home to Annandale Street and 35 minutes to travel the next mile to Meadowbank. At least with my Edinburgh knowledge I was able to dodge some of the road closures and delays, but so many buses were stuck.
As I came along Heriot Row, a young man on a bike skidded on the wet slippery cobbles and came off his bike right in front of me. Fortunately I was able to stop in time. I stopped the car in the middle of the road with my hazard lights on to keep him safe. I was very relieved when he was able to get up just after I got to him, he seemed OK. I bet he's got some bruises though as well as the broken mudguard that he was annoyed about.
I took a different route home from the dentist via Holyrood Park and the Meadows, it took 20 minutes.
This afternoon I have slept. I think it may be relief, and the sudden release from tension and worry about my tooth.

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