11:09 pm

Up early again to spray the oats fields, but couldn't finish in the morning, as the wind was rising. This time the weather was great in the evening though, so I did the rest and rinsed the sprayer. A long day, but that's herbicides done for this summer.

After quitting spraying in the morning, visited the Avant Tecno factory as they had the Avant Growl after a couple of years break (for the obvious reasons). I was hoping to find new wheels and a new pallet fork in the area where they sell remnants etc., and did manage to get a set of wheels, but the only pallet fork there was already sold. I also found some good working clothes for a low price, so well worth the visit.

After that a quick visit to an ag dealer to ask about the recently published new fertilizer prices. Not quite twice what I paid last year... Maybe not bad considering the current grain prices, but who knows what they will be next year. The risks are rising with the prices.

In the afternoon some fiddling with the chopper, including test starting it though without grass. Seems to run alright. Still a few things to do before silage harvest, but we are getting there.

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