
By SuffolkBumble

Camino Day 11: The Way to Santiago

O Pedrouzo to Santiago - JBD = 20.1km

And so our pilgrimage to Santiago was completed, although some of us would head on. But first today.

Here we are, five pilgrims at the end of our journey with the destination behind us. Did we enter as soon as we got there? Of course we ruddy well didn't! We soaked it up, we laid in the Sun looking at the Cathedral, we spoke to others who completed their journey's. Then we entered. It was sublime. I will not describe the inside of the Cathedral. Instead, do the walk and see it for yourself.

That evening a group of Pilgrims went out celebrating. It was a very funny affair with random tequila shots for a locals birthday, impromptu karaoke, stories from film sets from a best-selling author and fake marriage proposals. What a way to spend your night in Santiago.

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