
If you asked me, what is the most important trait an Innkeeper can have, I would say it is consistency.

If you asked me what my weakest trait was, I would say it was consistency...until now.

I have prayed and prayed for help to be a more faithful, and consistent person; and I was given the Cottage, Blip and a really challenging day job in social services. What have I learned?

> Be thankful morning, noon and night

> Pray about everything, expect an answer

> Keep showing up

> Don't think about it too long, just start doing it

> Waste no energy dreading anything, dread is an energy sucker

> Care about how your work effects people

> People everywhere want kindness, courtesy, honesty, trust and respect. Give it to them and you'll get it back.

> People who take the time to do business on a personal level are excellent guests

> Treat aches and pains like an old friend, they never stay long and they always remind you of better days

> If you would appreciate it, others will too

> Keep showing up

> Pray and pray again....always giving thanks

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