What light ....

I have also backblipped yesterday's Weddings ...... hope you will have a look .... thanks to those who already have :-)

..... through yonder window breaks flower shines?

Lovely sunny day ...... I was out in the garden doing some dead-heading when I noticed the sunlight shining through my newly opened Nasturtium.

I thought it looked so beautiful that it deserved to be my blip ..... it even has a bonus fly :-)

Unfortunately when I put it up on the computer I could see it also has the dreaded blackfly! I've already spent ages trying to get rid of it on other plants ... there seems to be so much this year! :-(

Extra is Mr Blackbird with a beak full of goodies (if you like flies) for his offspring!

I have had to be on "moggy watch" as there is a "new cat on the block" which seems to think my birds are fair game & my garden is a good place to spend the day! Hope he/she soon gets the idea that it isn't!

Stay safe everyone :-)

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