Solstice Solitude

Apologies for the lateness of my posting, but I was just too tired to download and edit photos last night.

It’s been a long and tiring day focused around an appointment in Liverpool Royal as I  continue my tour of the city’s hospitals! It’s a simple procedure today, just checking whether I will be able to have a capsule endoscopy. Then a walk around Liverpool, cake and coffee in The Bluecoat, than over to Daniel and Solveig’s for a fish and chip supper - clearly not a healthy eating day! 

Our return journey coincides with sunset, so we continue to West Shore where the clouds I’ve hoped will add to solstice drama disappointingly either disperse or gather dismally on the horizon. Typical of recent nights, it’s not the most dramatic of skies, though there’s still than inescapable sense of awe and spirituality that every sunset brings - somehow even greater on this the summer solstice. 

Two tiny people, almost insignificant against the vastness of the scene, are caught quietly gazing at the last light of the longest day. 

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