Busy Busy Bee

By Leasil


Great day!

I worked this morning and then spent the afternoon at Mum's charity doing some IT Ambassadors stuff. That was fun.

My cousin owns and runs a drama school and she staged a production of Oliver! Tonight was the opening night which is why I visited the north. I absolutely loved it and I'm very proud of her. Not all the kids were pitch perfect but no-one cares about that kind of detail. Nancy, Fagin, Dodger and a few others were nothing short of brilliant. Every kid in stage gave it their all.

My favourite part of the whole thing was when the cockney accents softened into a full-on local lilt. Fagin may well have hidden his gang in the shadows of London Bridge but it seems Mr Sowerberry's undertakers is based on the south Cumbrian coast. No wonder it took Nancy ages to find Oliver every time he ran off. He got about a bit, that kid.

My second favourite thing was my cousin's Jack Russell making its debut as Bill Sykes' menacing dog bullseye. No-one told Buster he couldn't lick everyone on stage.


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