Californian Caprese Salad

I think the only thing Californian about it is probably that it has avocados, tomatoes and grapefruit in it, with mozzarella and a dressing. It is going to be our starter tonight with Katy and Colin come for supper with their friends Ann and John who live half the year in New Zealand.

I seem to have spent most of the day chopping. We are having warm potato salad from Delia’s summer book, Kemmet Laktin and Fattouch for main course. Pudding is a homemade chocolate truffle ice cream and strawberries.

I hope it’s not a late one as Ailie and I plan to set off at 9 for the Murder Cleugh walk which starts half an hour’s drive up the valley beyond Alwinton. It should be dry, though the rain has just started after a very close humid day.

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