Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed

Mr B had his (nose) stitches out. Took a few minutes. Advised to refrain from tennis for another week. C’est la Vie.

Blip - Seen on the way to Southbourne.

Update - just googled and found this

“The TH Seed sign (below right) is possibly my favourite. It just sums up the spirit of an earlier age, before mass media, and certainly doesn’t show any lack of self-belief or confidence. Thomas H Seed was a chemist and druggist, who had shops at a number of locations along Seabourne Road, from at least 1923 until his death in 1945, when the business was taken over by Theo Pumphrey, who was certainly still there until 1959. This sign is on the corner of Harcourt Road and Seabourne Road, where I hope it stays for a long time. On looking more closely at the photograph, I noticed that T H Seed had been painted over an earlier name, which looks like A K H…some more research needed here, I think.”

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