Capital adventures

By marchmont

Getting ready

My angst about getting ready has abated as I've done most of what I need to do. I emptied all the kitchen and bathroom units ready for the work to be done. I was horrified, horrified, by the amount of toiletries I have. I could open a small branch of Boots. There will be a clear out, but not today.

Managed to get the grass cut in between showers.

Sorted some more packing and went from 2 cases to 3, one being carryon. It's trying to work out what needs to be where. After lunch I went to Cameron Toll to get a battery for my watch and then to the Manor to see Mum..all well there. 

Back there was more shoogking packing and sorting the plants. I ate a home grown cucumber at lunchtime!

#3'soon and #1 gf came up in the evening. I sorted his plant and he took my leftover veg. H has a new job, supporting SG work in Benelux and France. She'll get to go to Paris.

Phoned H and treated the ailing roses. 

Think I've almost got to the bottom of the list. Fingers crossed.

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