Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Something of beauty

My daily walk through our beautiful woodlands is something I look forward to every day, and in the summer I love the lush green everywhere.

Last night we had a lovely last camera group meeting - we plan to meet on zoom once a quarter and to go out occasionally to take photos so I hope that does happen and that we still see each other.

I got home late and as I was lying in the bath I noticed a black spot on my upper thigh - yes it was a tick, how it got there is a mystery as I was wearing jeans on my dog walk yesterday. On the weekend I had read an article about someone who got Lyme Disease and was very ill with it for about 2 years, as it is not always easy to treat. So of course I did not sleep well worrying about that, as Surrey is an area where Lyme Disease occurs. I can worry about everything!

Adam came home late last night after he finished in the lab as today there is a charity golf day organised by his old school, and he, Luke and Gavin are playing in the tournament along with some of the boys' friends. They had an early start this morning so it made sense for him to come from Cambridge last night. After the golf there is a gala dinner with a talk by Chris Cowdrey (an ex pupil of the school) and a performance by Freddie de Tomasso, another ex pupil of the school who is the latest sensation in the world of opera. His brother and Adam sang together and were friends who formed an a capella group in their last year at school. I am joining them for the gala dinner and am looking forward to hearing Freddie sing - he is singing in Madame Butterfly at Royal Opera House tomorrow.

It is wonderful that life seems back to normal after Covid and once again we can do things like this. It is such a relief not to be reading about the number of cases every day and for the focus to be on Covid and nothing else. Of course cases are still happening but for most people it is like a bad cold, and life carries on after a few days of rest. There are bound to be spikes at certain times - Tommy reported that after exams there was a bit of a spike at university and he and Inca both got it a second time but thankfully it is no longer the disruption to society that it was.

My driver's licence expires in August (it has to be renewed every 10 years) and so I applied for it now as I heard that there is such a backlog it can take up to 10 weeks. Not so, my new one arrived in 2 days, now that is efficient.

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