Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob


What a day...! I knew it was going to be a busy one anyway, as I'd got a load of setting up for next week's Big Tea staff engagement sessions to do, along with shopping for and setting up everything ready for our Snowdon climbers tomorrow, and supervising some volunteers setting up some craft packs for us, but it seemed like everything that could go wrong, went wrong! Shops being closed caused more walking/delays, late deliveries causing issues, unexpected boxes in our 2 store rooms making getting to the stuff I needed an absolute nightmare. I started at 7:30am, didn't have a lunch break, and sat down for probably a total of about an hour throughout the whole day... Suffice to say I was extremely achey and tired after work, so I was very happy to hear from Rich that he was finishing work a bit early and wanted to meet me for dinner and a beer at the pub right by my office. Bliss!

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