All things me

By KatiePie

If you went down to the woods today...

You'd have found me running round like a lunatic with half of Littlest's class at Forest School. It was great fun but I'm not sure there was any mention of three games of family tag and three games of Bulldog when I agreed to help..

I'm exhausted! Here is why..

Managed to get the kids dressed and ready for school by 7.30am fecking miracle!! so they could walk the dog round the green with me (as Mr KP is away, they had to come too) then I got them both to school (the kids that is, not Mr KP or the dog) for Judo at 8.00, watched them throw each other around and got them dressed and into their classrooms before nipping home for a coffee, a wee and to get my wellies and bag.

Off to Forest School with the little ones and then lots of running around for an hour.
Popped Budgens for a drink and a flapjack to eat whilst my little car got serviced (t'was her 1st birthday too. Little suggested we made a giant party hat. I suggested we didnt.)
Then after the car service I went to Lidl in the next town to get a few bits. After that I walked Muttley again. A friend's husband got home just as I was walking past their house so he grabbed their dog and we went for a stomp with them both. My dog barked and pounced and barked and chased and barked and hounded and barked. Their poor tiny mutt didn't know what to do with itself.
I had a quick lunch then went to pick the kids up from school, raided the PTA shed for glow sticks to drop off with the Vice Chair of the other site for their disco tomorrow. Dropped them off.
Came home, tided up the kitchen as it was still in a state from breakfast (!) and fed us all.
I have now collapsed on the sofa and am hoping that if I frown at the ironing board and ironing pile long enough it will vanish.

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