By lizzie_birkett

Bloomin’ F minor!

A relaxing day, taking my time reading the paper. There was an article in the Guardian Weekend about all the protests that have happened over the years all over the world since before I was born, from racism, anti nuclear and environmental issues, women’s rights, the right to vote, anti communism and dictatorship, anti war and LGBTQI and lots more. In some ways we’ve made progress but in other ways I feel we are going backwards and we must not let that happen. Governments change things secretly to their advantage and at the peril of the minorities who care.
Talking about the government, the sleaze grows! There will be more!

Anyway that is a bit serious but I had to get it of my chest.
Now for something light hearted. 
I had a nice time playing ukulele this afternoon, singing my favourite songs. Frank was a jam session and wanted me to go with him but during the pandemic I lost my confidence so I’m practicing on my own until I feel more confident again. I have trouble with a chord which most players find easy but my pinkie just doesn’t cooperate.

Bloomin’ F Minor!

I had fun playing my uke today
singing my favourite songs
but why is there just one chord
that will not play along

mostly I can play them all
without too much of a problem
I find all the chords quite easy
except that bloomin’ Fm

Everyone else can do it
but my pinkie just will not stay
on the A string, third fret
to the second fret it will stray

I know I must keep trying
even though it is frustrating
for there is no substitute for Fm, 
in that song I want to sing.

It is my Mum’s birthday today, she died in November 1999. She would have been 93. She wouldn’t have like to be old, she loved clothes and high heels
and was very stylish and active. I think about her most days but she would never have wanted me to be sad.

Thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts this week!
Goodnight :-) X

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