
By Veronica

Cork here we come!

Another rubbish photo, but it represents a major achievement, as the last couple of days have been touch and go.

However, Tivoli is on the premises, as of Sunday morning! Despite a bit of a train glitch that resulted in me collecting her two hours later than intended …still, getting up at 6 a.m. meant I got a lot of stuff done. It was truly excellent to find that when Tivoli entered the room, Mystère did not leave. He hasn’t sat on her lap yet, but he has let her stroke him, which is major.

Tivoli and I partook in the social committee’s Sunday lunch of mussels and chips followed by ice cream. I served S a takeaway as he still wasn’t well enough to leave the house.

This morning first thing, still not sure whether he was fit to travel, S got an appointment with the doctor. Who established that the strange painful spot that had suddenly appeared on his back where he couldn’t see it was an inflamed tick bite with a tick still in it. It must have been there for days, but only made itself felt last night. That explains everything. Tick extracted, he sent S off loaded with antibiotics but pronounced him fit to travel. Phew!

So after lunch all three of us drove to the airport and then Tivoli returned home in the car. And we flew into Cork in glorious late afternoon sunshine. S still isn’t exactly the life and soul of the party (after a pub dinner he’s gone to bed) — but at least we’ve made it, which I wasn’t expecting yesterday.

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