Rio Ara

We had a plan to cycle along a track just outside the National Park today ( you can’t take bikes inside) we were told it was a track not a road, but cyclable. We set off early to get ahead of the heat, but after a mile or so realised there was no way our bikes could get along this particular track. Turned round and came back whereupon my bike chain came off. Came back to clean up LooseCanon’s hands ( for it was he who fixed it) and set off up a different road following the River Ara up hill to the end of the road at a very welcome Refugio. Bujaruela. ( On the Camino de Santiago route ) We sat by the river in the shade 1300 metres up and it was just about the right temperature  for comfort.We  also passed another beautifully situated campsite but it was quite remote and outside the National Park by quite a long way. A dip in the non heated and quite chilly swimming pool has just about restored our body temperatures to normal!
The heat is due to increase each day this week and we shall be lower down. I wonder how we’ll get on.

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