Unexpected Joy

Late last night, JJ, son of longtime friends of ours, managed to contact us to ask if we'd like to come to his wedding to Alex, as a couple had cancelled. All our kids were going; Ju and Tom could go with us, so decided to down tools and go, and so glad we did; it was a truly joyful day. Chose this blurry shot of them leaving the service because of the joy; Mike has a better one outside.

The service was in Giggleswick School Chapel, an amazing building in stunning countryside, where the bride went to school. An extra of Deb taking a photo, who will no doubt also Blip the wedding, though not sure when as she'll either still be dancing or in their tent in a field... (Yep, here are her great photos.) And another selfie of me in a window, with Ju and Tom.

Perfect sunny day. Great singing in the service, ably led by Paul and Sam, and others, another extra. Homemade ice-cream on the lawns while we waited. Delicious food and wine. Stunning peonies. Moving speeches, filled with love and humour. Just wonderful.

- an unexpected and totally different day to what we were expecting
- a quote on the wall of the Chapel, by the Bishop of Ripon at its opening in 1901: "the most useful things of the world are often the most beautiful, and the most beautiful in their turn are often the most useful"
- journeying mercies, thanks, Mike, for driving yet again

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