Hatchlands Park

Neil and I took advantage of the good weather to visit Hatchlands Park. 

It was lovely there, from the first walk across the grass where croquet and other games had been set up for visitors to use, through to the pictures in the house including a portrait of Shakespeare that is far earlier than the one usually seen (which was painted 100 years after his death). This one has been dated 1610 which is just about contemporary.

There were also facsimiles of his grovelling letters to patrons suggesting in very veiled terms that these wonderful, gracious, honourable gentlemen might give him some money!

We walked to the Sheep Dip Pond, which was larger than it sounds and had many waterlilies that made me think of Monet. Or is Manet? Anyway.

We also saw masses of butterflies on a bush covered in these blossoms, and one dragonfly or damsel fly. It was quite idyllic.

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