Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Trial run

Having purchased a tow bar and bike rack many months ago, we have never trialled it out. Today we decided to go to a Forestry/woods to check the use of the rack and have a little cycle.

journey of around 35-40 mins, cycle rack did what it said on the tin. The cycle trails a little too up and down for me - walking up some and I found the down ones a bit scary. I need a flat terrain.

Stopped off at the cafe at the end, had a lovely slow roast pork bap. Bikes back on the car, roof down and homeward bound. Made a detour for a click and collect cold frappochino from a well known coffee shop, yummy.

Relaxing afternoon - our son and daughter-in-law popped in, baby bump is growing well, she is ticking off the days to finish work, they have some decorating still to do and some baby purchases to make but ready for the big day (beginning of October).


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