South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Thank you gift

This is one of the gifts my husband was given when he attended his last governors’ meeting at the school in the village where we lived until 2018.  They persuaded him to stay on for another four years after we moved from there.  He was much appreciated and used to proof read all the new school documents as well as helping in other ways.  They lost four governors at the same time and only have two replacements so far.

Another hot day, but I made soup for lunch - an Italian recipe which went down well despite the heat of the day.  I sat in the shade in the garden for a while this afternoon and read.  

At long last a choisya has arrived that I ordered weeks ago and Stuart planted it in the near darkness this evening after he had got back from the meeting and then eaten and been for a walk. I should have gone too, but had been dealing with a wrong item sent from Amazon, which Royal Mail are now picking up tomorrow.  

Was very excited this evening as, when it was nearly dark, there were bats flying around in the garden.  There seemed to be a lot of them and they flew very near to me when I stood outside the back door.  I saw one a couple of times some years ago at a previous house, but I have never seen a whole group of them.

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