Another Stunning Day!

Gosh I love this perfect weather! Brilliant blue skies, a nice breeze, 76F/24.4C and nice and cool overnight in the mid 50'sF. 

Odette went to golf camp again this morning - two more days. Tomorrow they have an official tee time at 9:00 am! I'm not sure if they're going to make the kids walk all nine holes carrying their bags...that might be a lot. My guess is they'll play two or three holes. Great fun! 

I did a spot of work and then picked up Odette and went to Vancouver to see my mom - we brought her Odette's famous egg salad. She adds black olives (which she cannot live without) and chives. Delish. She made great friends with my Mom's cat Molly. So a grand time was had by all.

Back home and out to the garden to see what was going on. We were looking for dragonflies and butterflies, but they weren't sitting still. So caught the one blossom of my Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily) in the late afternoon sun - I'm not sure which cultivar this is...but what a beauty! (Yes, it's woman-made sun showers here ;-)

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