The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Just leave it to the kids... entertain. I know, the wrong shutter speed and the wrong ISO. At the eleventh hour they asked me to take the photographs for the Year 8 'Dance Off', a tutor event where the student choreograph their own piece and dance live against other forms to see who is the ultimate winner. This group is the Sixth Form dance leaders, strutting their stuff. Those boys can jump!

Mental day but I really enjoyed it. It ended with a three hour meeting about my new role. I'm pacing myself. My current role keeps me busy enough as it is! And tomorrow, Ma and Pa arrive! ;0) x

Thank you all so much for yesterday's comments. Blip is the place to be if you ever feel lonely! The hounds send their love and Rags is proud to announce that his bladder didn't let him down!

And...we got 105 stars yesterday - wowzers!!!

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