
Saffy was bursting with energy today and the weather was perfect. 20 degrees with a wind so no need for a snails pace walk like last Thursday. The heat drains me probably my age, and also get a headache to accompany it.

Afternoon was spent gardening and a trip to mum with her cleaned up air fryer.

Reading about all the fires in Portugal, the dried up rivers in Italy and general prolonged high temps. It’s not living how I would enjoy it, I don’t understand how folks want to holiday in these extremes heat at this time of year. Unless of course you like being beside the pool all day.

Also worrying is a pic I saw of the Bass Rock, usually covered with gannets. It’s empty due to them being decimated by Bird Flu. Many stories of other species of birds around the coast being washed up on shores dead or dying. It’s a tragedy.

In more upbeat news, Ben was second in the Ninja Warrior course at the local sports centre this afternoon. Fresh from his outdoor camp in his friends garden (said he slept well).

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