Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At home: the escapee

The chick nursery pen is getting very crowded. These chicks have already been in an enclosed coop on the garden in the daytime to harden them off to the cold. The next step now that they are fully feathered should be heading outside with the rest of the adult hens. The weather forecast has put an end to that, as a cold wind and rain is due anytime, and through the weekend too.

Chicks like teenagers get bored and can begin to bully each other if not given enough room This where the term ;hen pecked' comes from1 .They grow so quickly, this one was a fluff ball four weeks ago, see here Its amazing how much faster incubated chicks grow. Apparently this is because of the limited space and the chick doesn't have to lose energy to the cold and keeping warm.

There bored chicks made a break for it as I fed and watered the others, then they sat down and listened to the others eating and soon got fed up. "Please return me, Im bored again now!" x

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