A Day In The Life

By Irish59

#1 Pest

That’s an exaggeration, I admit, but they’re no doubt the most prolific in our garden. Who is this garden pest, you ask, that causes so much angst in our household? Even if you didn’t ask (my apologies) you may recall previous blips when I mentioned (complained about) the Cabbage White Butterfly • They’re small and often mistaken for moths. Males are white and females pale yellow (pictured). Adults visit flowers for nectar but the female only lays eggs on the Brassica Oleracea species, such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts, collard greens and kohlrabi. Adults live a short three weeks • I suppose it’s our fault they’re here because we’re growing both broccoli and brussel sprouts • We manage the population by looking for their eggs on the underside of leaves, or the green caterpillars that eat the leaves, and “dispose” of them. MrsP and I also cheer on the dragons that hunt for these great white beautiful pests! • It’s a full time job for us all :) • Have I pestered you enough about our #1 Most Wanted yet? Yes? Good! Now you better understand how I feel about them, LoL! • Let’s hope for a peaceful, joyful and less pesty week ahead :)

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