Selfie with Sunflowers

We finally made it to see the Van Gogh exhibition in Edinburgh on its last day in the city.
Bur first, the train journey  which was horrendous, crowded and hot with many people standing and no masks worn. Glad we were wearing ours. If we go down with Covid we will know where we got it.
As for the exhibition it is hugely popular especially with young people. Regret to say I was mildly disappointed. I expected more. I expected it to be immersive. Instead it was giant video screens surrounding a circular space. The closest it came to immersive was in a small room with mirrored walls reflecting hundreds of paper sunflowers.
Clever but hardly virtual reality.
I agree with the Guardian art critic Jonathan Jones who described it as sedate.
“ get the bottle but not the booze, the facts but not much of the feeling.”
On the positive side it introduces art to a mass audience who would probably never go to an art gallery.


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