A Smorgasboard Of Blessings!

This morning our worship service at FBC was a veritable feast of God's goodness, encompassing every age group from our youth who have returned from mission trips to a couple of helpings of Southern Gospel goodness from Aire To The Throne with congregational worship and praise sandwiched in between.  There were testimonies from a couple of the youth concerning the mission trips they have just returned from and the impact that ministering to people outside the walls of our church had on them.  There was a slide show and testimonies in person from one of the leaders about how she saw lives changed and from one of the older girls about how this was her final mission trip as a youth and how next year she wants to go as a leader to guide others to have a life-changing experience like she has had.  And, oh yes, after all that,  Pastor Wes had some words of wisdom for us from I Kings 17 in the story of the prophet  Elijah, a nobody from nowhere special that God was able to use in a mighty way to expose and address the idolatry of the Jews of the southern kingdom of Israel and call them back to repentance and right relationship with God.  We see the prophet go and tell the king who did  more evil then anyone who had come before him that God was going to bring a drought that would not end until the prophet said so.  The king wasn't worried because his god was supposed to be in control of the winds and the rain, but he would find out that he was wrong----and that is just the beginning of the story which includes God's provision to sustain Elijah's life in two dramatically different ways; ravens who bring Elijah food at the hidden brook and when  that dries up as a result of the drought, a widow who is literally preparing her last meal until God uses her to feed Elijah.  For the rest of the story. which includes a resurrection, I encourage you to watch the Live-stream and be blessed as we all were that God is in control and can use anything and anybody who is willing to believe that He will do what He says He will do  Looking forward to next week----we are not finished with Elijah yet!  Oh, and did I mention that this week is Vacation Bible School?

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