Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

More admin

It's getting rather hot, though we realise we're better off here than in England!

We spent the morning on some admin related to getting a non-resident bank account set up with Bank of Ireland.  This is, and I suppose it has to be, to try to avoid money laundering, a complicated process.  W attempted to get it started before we even set off, was told that the Bank is very busy due to many people changing to BOI, from a couple of banks that are withdrawing from The Republic of Ireland.  He was told "someone will ring you next week".  No-one did.  We called in to a branch during the first week, to be told that non-resident accounts can only be set up by the special team.  Another phone call last Monday "someone will call within 48hrs"  They did eventually call, some 72hrs later, and were very unclear about explaining the process, but stipulated that we would need to get certified scans.  A follow up email did not explain the process any better - it is totally unclear what we do with these certified scans.

Oh well, we've done some scans, now stored on both our tablets, and printed up the scans for our attorney to sign, and then presumably rescan. 

A brief foray into Portumna to get milk and a bit of salad, then back to the flat to eat same - with wine from the box, now nearly empty.  And an early night.

Back blipping this on Monday, it is again rather warm.  We will try to summon the energy to go for a woodland walk when the worst of the heat has passed.  I think we'll be using the aircon in the car tomorrow when we drive down to Waterford to see our attorney, then to Rosslare for the ferry.   

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