
I could have blipped the tick that I realised had sneakily ensconced itself into the crease of skin behind my knee, probably from yesterday, in spite of trying to be really careful, but have decided to spare us all that horror. They really are the most underhand, treacherous, revolting beasties. I smothered it in TCP and hopefully managed to extract it fully. Yukity yuk yuk.
I was so hot working today and had to move downstairs in the end. I had the first team meeting with the new team. The heat upstairs was building uncomfortably in spite of my best efforts. I think I might use my camping mat and sleep downstairs tonight.
After I’d done the watering I went out for a very languid walk down to the river just as the sun was starting to set. I got to the bridge and watched something dart off. I’d like to think it was a kingfisher but can’t be sure and didn’t see a flash of colour so it might have been a Dipper. As I watched it disappear my eye was caught by movement in the water and I’m pretty sure it was an otter. I guess it could have been a mink but it was a fair size and seemed pretty otter like. I spent ages watching and hoping it would come closer but had to head off as the sweat was pouring off me with standing still and concentrating against the retained heat of the sandstone bridge!
When I realised what I thought it was I kept thinking of that Charlie Brown cartoon strip ...
‘Lookit, Charlie Brown, lookit ....’
‘... I’m lookiting ...’

Back home and R has texted me saying there’s been serious fires down in Brancaster with folk evacuated from their houses.
I was reminded of when I was there in the summer of 1976 and the roads were melting and there were clouds of ladybirds but we are in a different world now ...

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