Summer salad

It was too hot to be out again today. Mr C tried to do some weeding but came inside as his pulse was racing. We drank loads of water and he had a snooze.

I cooked for friends coming round this evening. We’d asked them thinking Ruth from Suffolk would be here but with the train chaos she couldn’t come. Carol, one of our guests, texted to say another mutual friend would be on her own as her husband was stuck in London with Covid, so maybe I could ask her too. I felt hot and bothered and thought I couldn’t even face sorting another then immediately felt mean so texted her and set another place. She eventually replied an hour before the others were coming to say she’d gone to her second home in Scotland for a swim so sorry no thanks.

Anyway we had a nice evening. I made a Lithuanian cold beetroot, spring onion, cucumber and yoghurt soup with hard boiled egg and dill on top. Then we had a roasted new potato, tomato, olive, caper thing with salmon. I did a pomegranate molasses dressed tomato, cucumber, radish and red onion salad plus the pictured kale salad, well massaged with olive oil, maple syrup and lemon juice, with added madjoul dates, Gorgonzola, pears, pecans and pomegranate. Pudding was a blackcurrant cheesecake as I’m using up last year’s from
the freezer.

It was a nice catch up and it looks like we won’t can see each other till at least a October as we are hoping to be in Italy then Edinburgh for 3 days festival then Scandinavia with the van and Carol and Phil are off to USA again to see friends. Chris had family coming and a trip with Sarah. I hope everyones flights and arrangements go to plan.

Tomorrow will be a big clean up as Katy’s cleaner is coming on Friday to see if I’ll be a suitable client. Mr C will be redundant from that duty he took upon himself if all goes well.

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