Gifts of Grace

By grace


Rumbled. And I think they were not best pleased.

Out of sorts photo-wise today. More duty than joy. Too cold to hang around comfortably. The world felt edgy. More likely that was me.

All that despite blue skies and many fluffy clouds. Couldn't bear to post one of them. Rum business.

On the blog I'm reaching the end of an era. The notebooks proper are on the horizon. That will be a whole different ball-game, I imagine. And there will be a gap before I can get to that. Thanks again to folks on here who are following along. There's an uncanny resonance between events in the world and the pieces I'm writing. They were drafted a couple of weeks ago and held back. As ever, I would welcome your feedback.

Forgot to add blog soundtrack for today's post - here Freddie Mercury turn up the volume that'll blow a few cobwebs away (advice to self).

#am posting

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