
By Bowen


Yesterday was the Colorado Renaissance Faire for Melissa her kids and I. Traffic getting down there was crazy, from the exit to the Faire which is about 2 miles took 30 minutes.  Once inside it started off at 90 degrees Fahrenheit, way too hot.  About10 minutes in I think I gave my sister a mild panic attack as I suffered through the heat, I turned tomato red.  I made her sit with me in the shade until I cooled down a bit then the sky opened up for a really nice rainstorm.  It cooled everything off into the very pleasant 70s. It rained off and on the whole afternoon, one of the best days at the Faire in a while.  Because her kids are all now young adults they would wonder off and do thier thing while we did ours.  Yes we spent a large amount of time together but we didn't panic when they weren't immediately within sight.  Good thing too because like last year there were a good amount of people there.  I don't think AS full as last year but close.

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