
Do not go shopping when you’re hungry….
An emergency blip, and the biscuits are still intact ( for now.)

Pilates was hard today, but the walk home afterwards was wonderful; leisurely and with the promise of a coffee and a sit down when I get there.

I watered the garden before lunch. It was looking so dry and the ground is cracking in places. Those Cala lilies are still giving and giving though. I haven’t put them into the beds. Still enjoying them when I open the kitchen door.

A quiet evening thinking about a letter I want to write and grateful to H for her encouragement. Thank you x I do want to learn from the experiences of others.

D has had an evening out with one of his tennis groups after the usual Tuesday walk with “the boys” and Millie. Sadly Millie is increasing frail and the walk is more of an amble to accommodate her.

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