The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Remember these?

Yes. A postcard.
I was quite surprised  at how much anticipation  I had when the Postie said, it's  a postcard!
Who could be on holiday in sunny Lesvos? Only one person I know goes there every year... yep, big Cuz the Prof (retired).
Perhaps I might send some from our trip... don't  hold your breath. 

The preparations are well underway,  but of course, idiot that I am, I decided  I would get fruit to make jam, before I go. Utter craziness. 
After sewing class I dashed to the nearest fruit farm, an interesting  road that I travel  once a year. Over the Path of Condie and the hairpin bends, single track, with few passing places and no-one  use them now do they... argh. Frazzled I got o the farm and was allocated poly tunnels to pick in. To say that it was very disappointing  was un understatement.  An appalling visit with poor fruit, mildwewed and very scarce. I dashed , after an hour of backbreaking  fruitless searching and headed to the next farm with ready picked fruit.  And it was wonderful.  Beautiful  berries and it was cheaper. A lovely  family  run farm, now in second generation. 
That all meant that I was tired and had jam to make. Of course I should have bought the pectin before the berries, but oh no.
The late night search around 4  supermarkets  and making one lot of freezer jam, left the strawberries awaiting their time in the spotlight  until tomorrow.  

A very tired and slightly  sore back me, collapsed  into bed very late.
I will be more prepared  next time...

Aye right.


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